3rd school building Fureai no Sato

3rd school building Fureai no Sato

On the premises, there are school buildings from the Meiji, Taisho and Showa eras.
"I've seen such a view somewhere…"In the garden of a school where you can remember such nostalgia
There are about 30 Yoshino cherry trees, scattered their petals along with the rich nature of the neighborhood.

The Meiji school building with modern Western-style wooden architecture (formerly Sutama History Museum) is called Tsugane School.
The Taisho era building is the Taisho era building where you can experience various things such as soba noodles, hoto, and agriculture.
The Showa school building has been reborn as a "delicious school" with Italian restaurants and accommodations, and has carved a new time.
It is recommended to see the cherry blossoms in the schoolyard from the Taikoro of the Meiji school building against the backdrop of the mountains of the Southern Alps, including Kaikomagatake.

Basic information

〒407-0322 3058, Sutamachoshimotsugane, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi
3rd school building Fureai no Sato