Concluded a partnership agreement on tourism promotion with Hokuto City


Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Ako and Grand Mercure Yatsugatake Resort & Spa signed a partnership agreement on September 2, 2024 to promote tourism in Hokuto City, promote environmentally friendly tourism, and expand sales of new content.
Grand Mercure Yatsugatake Resort & Spa aims to encourage customers in Japan and overseas to experience the unique charm of the region.
In the future, the three parties will strengthen public-private partnerships and aim to promote tourism through the provision of services and contents that allow you to enjoy the unique charm of Hokuto City.

■Content of agreement and cooperation
(1)Thing about sightseeing promotion
(2)Promotion of eco-friendly tourism
(3)Expanding and announcements of content
(4)In addition, matters related to matters deemed necessary for cooperation and cooperation by the three parties

For more information, please refer to the following link.
[Joint release] "Grand Mercure Yatsugatake Resort & Spa" developed by Hokuto City, Yamanashi Prefecture and Ako, one of the world's largest hospitality group, signed a partnership agreement on tourism promotion